Terms and Conditions


  • Prices quoted are exclusive of VAT and Carriage. We reserve the right to change price details as necessary without prior notice and without incurring obligation.
  • Any query on an invoice must be made within 21 days of the invoice date to the company.


Payment is to be made on placing your order.  PayPal, Visa and Mastercard are all accepted methods of payment. You can do direct bank transfer to the account provided as well.

Check payments are accepted but your order will be shipped 2-3 working days after your check is cleared.


-Any claim for damage or short deliveries should be notified to the company within 3 days of receipt for the claim to be considered. Claims for non-delivery should be notified within 14 days of the invoice date.

– We reserve the right to cancel any order, or balance of order, or contract without liability to ourselves, where the supply or delivery of goods is prevented by circumstances outside our control.

– The Customer may not cancel an order after it has been given to the Company except with the Company’s agreement. Where special items are cancelled a charge may be made to cover costs already incurred.

– Goods damaged during transit must be kept together with the packaging for inspection and confirmation of any damage or loss must be sent in writing.

– The Company will only consider giving a credit for the goods after having an opportunity to examine them and where a credit is given this will be at the purchase price and where necessary we reserve the right to make an additional charge for repacking should the condition of the return items so warrant.

– Most suppliers will not accept the return of any item if ordered specially and a credit therefore cannot be given for these items.

To understand your obligations as a merchant in the UK consult “The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000” which can be found at http://www.hmso.gov.uk/si/si2000/20002334.htm